An ongoing restoration process was taking place in the Gene Stratton-Porter home that I visited some years ago. I vividly remember my visit to Adams County, Indiana and the thoughts that resonated in my heart from observing this huge undertaking.
restoration process
This home, built in 1895 by the Porter family had changed hands, and was much later placed in the hands of the National Historical Society. Their goal has been to restore this home to pristine condition, paying attention to the detail that was part of its former beauty. Portions of this 14 room home had been destroyed by fire, some of the textured lincrusta had been removed without regard for beauty or sentiment.
Years of research on homes of that era was done. Skilled artisans were hired to study what was left of the textured lincrusta in the music room. Plans to restore this beautiful home were set into motion.
Walls torn down, others built. Portions of the floor torn up and matching woodwork found. With painstaking care the rooms were restored to their original beauty. Detail was of utmost importance in this restoration project.
What seemed like destruction when faced with wall and floor demolition, was in fact, all a part of the plan to restore the home to its former glory.
restoration planned
In our lives, God is into the restoration of His treasure. That treasure is you and I. God knows us intimately. He is our Creator and knows the details of our life. His plans for our lives are at times in vivid contrast to what we are living. As His children, we can become complacent with our matter-of-fact lives and daily existence. Yet God, who is our Creator, yea, even our Restorer has plans full of detail and intricate beauty he wants to restore in our lives.
The beauty that encompassed God’s creation of mankind in the Garden of Eden surpasses the scope of our imagination. Therein lies the focus of His plan. He sees the beauty that mankind at one time possessed; the unhindered relationship that we had with Himself. He knows from where we have fallen.
Consequently, He wants to restore us to a full and beautiful relationship with Him. A restoration of heart, soul, and mind.
Are there walls in your life that have been erected? Are there priceless etchings of grace that have carelessly been thrown aside? What about that attitude that is so prone to hurt and criticize another? In spite of the mess that we have made, God is willing to restore.
in the mending place
God, as the Creator and Restorer of our life, will lovingly return us to a full and lasting relationship with Him. The destruction of the walls of our insecurity and fear may feel like a demolition crew has taken over our lives. Yet, as we surrender, He will place within us the wide-open grace of security and trust in the Father’s plan. He will mend the broken places in our heart and soul and restore us to His plan for our lives.
The floor of our attitudes may begin to sag as He takes out that discontent and unseen hurts from yesteryear. Furthermore, our Restorer replaces these inferior products with His grace and strength to live in trust and contentment. He binds up our wounds and heals the broken places of our heart.
As the days and weeks go by, and we trust the Father’ plan, our lives will become a gem in the heart of God.
Though broken walls and splintered floors seem to be our lot in life, remember that God delights in the restoration of our lives, down to the smallest detail. For that reason, if God takes us through the tearing and rending, so be it. We can know that the Father holds the restoration plans close to His heart and the broken and torn will be healed and mended.
rebuilding in the word
As I looked up the Hebrew word, restore, I was amazed at the contrast of words within the definition. The Bible contains word couplets such as: break and build; take and make; weep and rejoice. These bring to mind pictures at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Things at first glance that do not seem to mesh together. Nevertheless, as we look deep into the restoration project of an old home, we find it a study in just such contrast.
Restoration assured
When there is breaking in our life, there will be a re-building. We read in Jeremiah 31:3 & 4 “The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. Again I will build thee, and thou shalt be built…thou shalt again be adorned..”
When there is a taking, there will be a making. Isaiah says it like this in 54:7,11 & 12 “For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee…O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.”
When there is weeping, the end will be rejoicing. “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5b)
God delights in restoring His treasure. He’s working to “‘present us faultless’ “a glorious work not having spot nor wrinkle.”
As we cry, “Restore unto me the joy…” (Psalm 51:12) His answering cry can be heard, ” I will restore…” (Joel 2:25)
Through the debris of the ongoing restoration project of our lives may the knowing words of the Psalmist David resonate within our hearts: “He restoreth my soul..” (Psalm 23:3)