The focal point is key when taking professional photos. Furthermore, the lighting, shadows and angles are all crucial elements of photography. Those with an eye or talent for this type of work can tell with a glance what is wrong with the angle, the focus and the lighting.
My daughter, who has an eye for photography, has asked me to take photos of her, but invariably a blurred focus makes the photo unusable. She doesn’t understand why I can’t see that it is unfocused, nor why I missed various details that would make the photo better. It is something I need to learn. I need to reframe my focus to be able to capture the moment correctly.
Soul Focus
Similarly, there is something to be learned about soul focus. What we focus on in life is what informs the actions within our lives. Our actions always aligns with our focus. When our focus becomes blurred, our soul becomes off-kilter which in turn will alter our actions.
What are you focusing on that is causing a wrong action or reaction? Is your perspective distorted by heartaches that you are dealing with? How can you reframe your soul focus? Is there something that you can do to re-orient your soul to center.
Centered Soul
It is only when our focus remains fixed on Jesus that our soul will keep centered. He is the beginning and the ending and all that is in between.
“…let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 1b & 2a
Hebrews 1b & 2a
As we walk through this life we must keep our eyes on Jesus. When we face heartaches and hard circumstances we must only give them an acknowledging glance if we are to remain centered in Jesus. We are not to fix our soul eyes on the things of this world, but on the world beyond.
God has set ‘eternity in our hearts’ and when we try to makes sense of this world and all its wrongs without the perspective of eternity it will prove hopeless. It is with an intentional pursuit of Jesus that we can pull together the ‘seen’ of this world and the ‘unseen’ of eternity.
Blurred Vision
When our vision has become blurred, more often than not, our gaze has slipped. Our focus turns toward the temporal world and its troubles. It is then that we must open the shutter of our soul to see into the vast reaches of eternity. It is only with the light of eternity that we can bring into focus the true angles of everything that is in the here and now.
The details of this life can only be distinctly seen while we intentionally gaze on Jesus. Focused attention and a single-minded regard to the eternal will bring into view those things that are not visible. Furthermore, it is as we bring eternity to the forefront of our soul focus that we gain a proper understanding of today.
The blurred places of our life can be reframed as we place our complete trust in Jesus, our gracious Redeemer. It is only Jesus that can redeem the broken pieces and shadowed places of our lives.
An Altered Focus
When our soul’s gaze remains on Jesus, He can temper our actions and reactions. Moreover, as we continually look to the Life-giving Word and let his principles and commands permeate our lives we will find our perspectives re-aligned.
If you find your life out of focus and your soul vision has blurred, re-orient your center by a sole focus on Jesus. Let him govern your actions and inform your perspective. Attentively fix your eyes on the Author and Perfecter of your faith. Keep eternity in view and find the focus of this world altered as you look through the lens of God’s perspective.