Worn and tired. Bone weary and exhausted. We long for rest, but the day stretches out before us. We carve out moments to pause and recharge whether it is a catnap on the office floor, solitude in the restroom or a cup of java to revitalize our minds.
Physical exhaustion is part of the world we live in. Moreover, at times we find ourselves living with soul exhaustion. Soul weariness is a sign that we must pause and seek out the reason behind the exhaustion of soul. A diligent search needs to be made of our soul and spirit. God does not want us to live with soul weariness. Dare I say it is a sign of our lack of faith and unbelief.

The Barricade to Soul Rest
The book of Hebrews in chapters 3 & 4 chronicles the life of the Israelites and their soul weariness. God offered them rest for their soul through a relationship with him. God worked miracles time and time again. River crossings and gushing water from the rock. Quail in abundance and shoes not deteriorated. Furthermore, a daily supply of manna and guidance was provided. God spoke to them from the cloud covered mountain and His presence overshadowed the mercy seat in the midst of the camp. In spite of all the Israelites had heard and seen their hearts turned away from God Almighty. They refused to believe the tender love and faithfulness God had toward them. Their unbelief brought turmoil and angst to their lives. Ultimately their unbelief cost them their souls.
Would a diligent search of our soul weariness portray a lack of belief? Could the cause of turmoil in our soul be traced back to a deficient trust in our Creator God? Does the insufficiency we see in ourselves cause us to dismiss as meritless the inestimable value that God places on us? That kind of mindset disregards the gift of soul rest God wants us to enjoy.
A Choice to Trust
In the past few days things have culminated in my life to bring about situations that caused worry and anxiety to raise its head. As I walked through my day I found my mind continually jumping to varied hopeless outcomes. It was only through a diligent decision over and over again to turn my eyes back to the One who is ultimately in charge was I able to still the chaos of mind that was seeping into my soul.
“Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”
Hebrews 2:12
Unbelief blocks the relationship of trust with our Heavenly Father. A life of trust and confidence equals a life of rest for the soul. It is when we continue steadfast in our confidence of God’s working in our lives that we gain that ‘full assurance of hope’ (Hebrews 6:11) that holds us steady. Most importantly, we must trust though the hopeless situations that we encounter.
A Foundational Truth for Soul Rest
The foundation for a life of soul rest is our faith and belief in God. Unbelief was the barricade that kept the Israelites from dwelling in a place of rest in God. As the Hebrew writer admonished, we must take heed. We must be diligent to root out any vestiges of unbelief that is lurking in our soul if we would enter into that rest. Disobedience and unbelief will ban us from soul rest. Instead, turmoil and chaos will result.

In seeking rest for our soul, God has provided a great High Priest that understands our weaknesses and who has faced the temptations that beset us. Because of this we can come boldly. We can come expectantly. Certainly we can know that we will obtain the mercy and grace that we need to experience the soul rest that God yearns for us all to experience.
When you experience hairpin curves and treacherous climbs in life, turn your eyes back to the God that is bigger than your situations. It is when you diligently turn the eyes of your soul back to God that you will find a confident assurance that brings rest to your soul.
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
Isaiah 26:3
The Beckoning of Jesus
When our trust is placed in God and we steadfastly keep our eyes on him, we are able to rest. Today we get to choose rest for our soul when we trust his heart and obey his life-giving commands.
In conclusion, I want to remind you that God understands our humanity, our life story and offers grace and mercy as we seek to live in the soul rest Christ offers. From personal experience, I know that God is long-suffering and patient as we walk through the chaos of our situations and work through the havoc of emotions. Jesus beckons us to come and find rest for our souls as we live a life of confident trust in him. (Matthew 11:28)