God loves you! When hopes are dashed, God loves you. Moreover, when you don’t measure up to your internal standard, God loves you. Although you may stumble and fall, the love God has for you will not fail. In every failure and disillusionment, you are loved. While you are struggling through emotional turmoil, remember the truth that God loves you.
What does it mean that God loves you? Are they just meaningless words to say during times of difficulties when we don’t know what else to say? How does knowing the fact that God loves you make a difference in your life?

God’s Love in Action
The fierce love of God for you personally is a truth that you can stand upon when all around you is shifting. God, the Creator of the Universe, created you with a heart full of love. You, as his creation is a treasure in the heart of God. The pulsing beat of God’s heart beats with a steadfast love for his creation. God’s love for you moved him to action.
Because sin had mangled the earth that God had created, each one of us were destined to destruction. Although there was nothing loveable about us God loves us. Instead we were deplorably marred by the blackness of sin Yet God knew that sin’s wages had to be paid. Consequently, because of God’s great love for us, he sent his Son to earth to pay the wages of sin on our behalf.
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8
God’s heart yearns over us with love and compassion. Consequently, he set in place the plan that would bring about redemption for the whole world. It is not just a mass redemption without any personal intervention. God’s plan was for you specifically. The Omnipotent God holds you close to his heart and furnishes a way for a relationship with Himself. An ongoing relationship that provides for all that you need in this life. God’s love for you makes a difference in this tumultuous world that you live in.
The Change that Love Makes
Our acceptance of God’s love makes a difference in our lives. We are changed from the children of darkness to the children of light. God’s love provides a way for us to become the children of God.
“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God;” 1
1 John 3:1
Furthermore, the words, God LOVES you, is a promise that you will always have someone in your corner. God’s unfailing love brings the assurance that you have someone on your side.
When we are surrounded on all sides by the enemy, we can have that anchor point that will hold us steady. The knowledge that God is for us will keep us anchored in the storm. Although the tears stream down our face and heartaches surround us we can put our trust in the Lord God as the Psalmist David did.
“When I cry unto unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know for God is for me.”
Psalm 56:9
When we have the Omnipotent God on our side, we can walk forward with confidence. Our Heavenly Father is cheering us on. He is in your corner. God loves you.
Loved Through the Hurt

When loneliness overtakes you and there is no one to talk to, remember that God loves you. Your Heavenly Father’s love for you brings the assurance that you will always have someone to talk to. He is always there for you. Call on him and he will answer. Nary a busy signal will be found when you call out to the Father.
Quiet your heart in the knowledge of his love for you. God loves YOU. Knowing this brings about a difference in the depths of our soul. Through the great love of God provision is given for everything that we need to live in this present world.
When the hurt closes in and the way seems long. Remember that God’s love for you makes a difference. He will love you through your suffering. He will stay close to your side extending daily strength and grace as needed. Today, remember that God loves you!
1 Comment
Mary Rooney Armand · March 25, 2021 at 3:30 pm
Such a comforting, affirming article! Thanks for sharing!