Have you ever stood in a long checkout line and observed the cashier as she is disregarded, overlooked and at times treated rudely? By the time your turn comes her face has become impassive and remote. She’s just doing her job and trying to make it to the end of her shift. At this point, you can be the change. Purposefully look at her nametag and then speak kindly, using her name and watch her countenance change.

Our Name Forms Connection
When we are called by our name, a connection forms. A smile transforms our features and our heart is warmed. We all long to be known. When someone takes the time to interact personally with us, it changes out outlook, brightens our day and uplifts our spirit.
“But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by name; thou art mine.”
Isaiah 43:1
As a young child I always looked for personalized items when the opportunity presented itself. However, I walked away disappointed. My name wasn’t common and I seldom found it splayed across merchandise.
I still remember the time I discovered a personalized bookmark with my name on it. It struck a chord. I was somebody. Moreover, I was known. The bookmark had my name inscribed within the above Scripture.
Don’t be afraid, I have redeemed you, Holly,
I have called you by name, You are mine.
As I’ve grown older, it is no longer just childish wonder that I unearthed a personalized item with my name on it. It is a connection through being known. A knowledge that God knows me intimately and calls me by name. I am His and He is mine. This possession infers that fear need not have a hold on me because I am under God’s protection. God walks with me through this life. Whether I pass through rivers of danger or fiery trials God is with me and gives enabling strength.
Known by God
Do you have a longing to be known? Is your heart crying out for someone to really know you? That cry of the heart can be filled with the knowledge that you are known by God. He knows what you are going through and walks with you. God calls you tenderly by name and enfolds you close as you lean into His arms.
You may be struggling through the rough waters of physical health or facing the fires of a broken relationship. The darkness of your circumstances may be lingering. Whatever your situation God sees and knows. He calls you by name and assures you of His Presence now.
Today, personalize that Scripture found in Isaiah 43:1. Know that God is saying to you, “Don’t be Afraid, I have redeemed you, _________, I have called you by name, You are mine.
Then read the next verse in that chapter and recognize the reassurance of His Presence in every circumstance that you encounter.
1 Comment
Jennifer · April 29, 2023 at 2:38 am
What a beautiful encouragement that we are personally known by God.