God breathed into man and man became a living soul.
God created our souls with a longing for God that nothing else can satisfy. There are many things we, as broken humanity try to use to quench the thirsting of our souls for God. The corporate ladder to climb, accomplishments to be achieved, money to acquire or power to obtain. All of it leaves the soul destitute.
“My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God.” Psalm 42:2
“My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. Psalm 62:5
The clamor of the world tends to deafen our souls need for God. When we allow the noise of external circumstances to fill our lives with its hype, our souls become stunted. Furthermore, our need for God is pushed away and we continue on in an anemic state.

Our Misshapen Soul
God’s great plan was a relationship with his creation. He created the garden full of vibrant beauty and placed the apex of his creation in it. We get the idea that God walked with them in the cool of the evening. He came to be with them. In other words, God, Adam and Eve enjoyed each other’s presence and rested in being known and loved. When sin burst upon the scene, it upended God’s plan for a close relationship with his loved creation.
The soul of man became misshapen with sin. Consequently, the soul was left to face life with a cavernous want for God. Yet God had a plan. He wasn’t going to give up on man. Throughout the Bible God came again and again to be with the individual who aligned his heart to seek Him.
God With Us
For example, God walked with Enoch and talked with Noah. Abraham was called the Friend of God. When Joseph faced betrayal and prison, God was with him. David became a man after God’s own heart. In addition, fearful Gideon became a warrior because God was with Him. On and on we could site instances where God was showing his people that he still longed after a vital relationship with his creation.
All throughout the Old Testament, God spoke, loved and wooed his people back to himself. When his people turned away from Him it was with breaking heart God sent judgments. Meanwhile, messages of love through the prophets were proclaimed over and over again. God’s soul longed after his creation.
Then with a heart full of love God sent his Son into this world. A gift to the creation of his heart. Emmanuel–God with us. God knew we could not come back to Him on our own. Above all He knew our sin-stained soul would die an eternal death without Him. Consequently, He came to be with us.
With God Your Soul Can Flourish
The word with is a preposition. The definition is stated this way. “-used as a function word to indicate combination, accompaniment, presence, or addition.”
With. God came to be with us. He knew we could not function on our own. God came to this world to accompany us to heaven. He knew that unless we rested once again in Him we would not be enough. God came to walk with us. He came to bring forgiveness and redemption for each of us. With His sacrifice our soul can once again be healed.

We are a living soul that needs to be with God to flourish. In other words, our God-breathed soul can find rest in Him alone. As we live out God’s forgiveness in our lives we must continually quiet our hearts and rest in His Presence. In Him we can find a sustaining strength to go on. With the knowledge of the Almighty God with us, we can go on to face the hardships of our world.
I am reminded of the song, Be Still My Soul. It was first written in German, in 1752 by Katherine von Schlegal. Not much is known about the author but the message of the song leads us to believe she faced hardships that taught her of soul stillness that comes only from God.
Down through the ages, people of many races have struggled with tumultuous times and heart rending circumstances. Throughout the hard days our souls long for God to intervene. Our souls cry out in expectation to our Creator.
Be Still
In the chaotic times we live in let us push back those things that lead to deprivation of the soul. Make time to slow before the Creator and let your soul find sustenance in God.
We must still our soul and remember the God of ages past is still faithful today. Subsequently, our soul can find rest with God. Our thirst can be quenched and our expectant hope becomes reality as God comes near and walks with us.
Be still, my soul; the Lord is on thy side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain; Leave to thy God to order and provide. In every change He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul; thy best, thy heavenly Friend Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Be still, my soul, thy God doth undertake To guide the future as He has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake; All now mysterious shall be bright at last. Be still, my soul, the waves and winds still know His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below