It is no secret that I’m a Narnia fan. In fact, some years back my kids got me the complete audio set of the Chronicles of Narnia for Christmas. I love to listen to the stories and glean truths that are still applicable to the day and age we are living. These stories have a way of strengthening my faith and putting life in the right perspective.
I’ve used the stories of Narnia as a foundational theme for children’s church and have shared various thoughts on the truths found in these timeless chronicles. Again and again I return to the land of Narnia and find that as I grow older Aslan becomes bigger. Similarly, my understanding of God and who he is broadens as the years go by. My faith has grown and in the growing I find a deeper awareness of the glory and grandeur of God.
Facing the Unknown
Yesterday, as I traveled the wintery roads on an errand the audio of Prince Caspian filled my car. The beginning of this story finds the loved Pevensie children at the train station. They are suddenly pulled into an unknown land. Exploring the place they have landed in is their first priority. They tramp through overgrown woods and find the ruins of what looks to be a castle. When they stumble on clues that lead them to the realization that this land is indeed Narnia they are filled with questions of what happened and how their beloved castle lies in ruins.
Despite finding the treasures of yesteryear there is much indecision and fears as to what they are to do and where they are to go. Susan especially is filled with doubts and fears. Everything has changed. Nothing is like they remember. Her faith in the life of Narnia had weakened. She doesn’t like the dark wood, fears fill her heart and she just wants to get away from the situation.
How many of us today find ourselves in such a situation? We have been catapulted into a country that is not what we knew as children. There are doubts and fears filling our hearts as we attempt to navigate the dark wood of our day. As we stumble along in the middle of the thicket we try to use our common sense to lead us out of our situation but we find that is not always the best choice. Fear has triumphed over our faith and we just want to run away.
Decisions of Faith and Fear
After the children had rescued Trumpkin, the dwarf from his captors and listen to his story they realize that they need to travel to Aslan’s Howe. They tramp miles through thick woods, face dangers and come to what looks to be impassable cliffs. As they are standing on the edge of the precipice trying to come to a decision of which way to go, Lucy cries out in delight. She has seen Aslan. Lucy excitedly points to where Aslan was standing and explains to them that she is sure Aslan had wanted them to follow him.
The others do not share her excitement. They had seen nothing. Furthermore, going the way Lucy said Aslan wanted them to go did not make sense. A vote ensues and only Edmund sides with Lucy. Consequently, with the vote three to two they turn in the opposite direction and begin their trek downward.
After a hard day’s travel they encounter sentries that are quite unfriendly. With this encounter they realize the only way to reach their destination was back the way they had came. That night as they lay down to rest, exhausted from their dead end journey, Lucy is awakened by a voice.
Encounter with Aslan
Instantly, she knew Aslan was calling. With the knowledge of who He was, she leaves camp alone with no fear in search of him. It was a great reunion in the little moonlit glade. With great delight Lucy in essence exclaims, “I knew it was you. I knew I saw you, but the others would not believe me.” As she continues the conversation with Aslan, Lucy comes to the understanding that she too, had been in the wrong for not choosing to do what she knew was right despite the decision of the others.
Have you been there? In your heart of hearts you know what you should do but then the cacophony of voices that surround you say otherwise and you slowly turn away and follow the crowd. As in the story, Aslan did not give up on Lucy or the others because of their wrong decision, so God does not give up on us. He is longsuffering and steadfast in His love for each of us. God is faithfully directing and redirecting our decisions, thoughts and habits. He lovingly comes again and again to show us the right way.
However, with the consciousness of our wrong decision, another choice is placed before us. Will we follow Jesus in spite of what others may do or say? Lucy faced this decision with a certain amount of fear of the unknown. Then with a confidence place in the Great Lion, she chooses to follow whether anyone else does or not.
A Confident Faith
Aslan commissions her to go back to her sleeping kin and Trumpkin the dwarf and tell them that there was no time to lose. Following Aslan was to be a choice that needed to happen now. Lucy did as she was told. She faced the disbelief of her sister and brothers, yet she continued to insist that following Aslan was a choice she was making, whether they chose to do so or not.
With this deliberate stance, the others decided that they too, must follow Lucy’s lead; though to them Aslan remained unseen. As the group headed into the woods, Aslan led the way, though unseen to all but Lucy. Lucy plunged forward without a care, knowing that Aslan led the way. She knew He would not lead her wrong. Her faith had been staunchly placed in Aslan despite the hardship of the way.
The others followed with much trepidation, especially when faced with a treacherous precipice and what to them looked like certain death. In spite of the dangers, they continued onward until one after the other they begin to think they saw something in front of them. After that the Lion’s shadow became clear and then, oh joy! Aslan himself was made known.
Similarily, when our decision is made to follow Jesus He may take us through dangers. It is then we must continue to choose to trust though the way is obscured to our perspective. Just as Lucy knew that Aslan would not lead her wrong, we too can get to the place of complete confidence in the God that goes before us, though unseen He may be. Our deliberate choice to follow God despite the hardships will impact others to follow our lead.
Come Near
When nearing the end of their journey, the children had the great delight of talking with the Great Lion. Aslan accepted their apologies for their unbelief and beckoned them to come closer. He spoke to each of the children and addressed the need of their hearts. Susan’s encounter with Aslan hit home with me. As she stood before him, Aslan spoke.
“Come closer, child. You have listened to your fears. Come. Let me breathe on you.”
Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis
As Susan neared, she was enveloped in the strength of the Lion.
Likewise, when we give audience to the fears that surround us, we want to hide or run from the situations we face as Susan longed to do. However, it is only when we move forward towards our God who beckons us that we will find a way through the tangled underbrush of the fears of life. If fears have filled your heart, draw near to God. It is in the drawing near that we will find ourselves close to the heart of God.
“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”
James 4:8
As we look into the face of Jesus, His Spirit will envelop us with renewed purpose and strength. Remember that it is only in the Presence of the Lion of the tribe of Judah that our fears will dissipate and we will gain the courage and faith needed to face the battles of life that are still before us. Answer His call today to come near.
“Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden. take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11;28-29