When our plans go awry frustration results. Whether it be vacation plans put on hold, interruptions to the routines of our day, a flat tire, unexpected sickness, or numerous other incidents that bring angst; none of us like having our plans changed. Dealing with the change and finding inward strength to keep going is tough.
God’s Plan for His People
Some things can be mitigated with flexibility, while other situations are filled with ongoing heartbreak. In the book of Jeremiah we find God facing the ongoing heartbreak of plans gone wrong.
God had created Judah and Israel to cling to Him. His plan for them was to have a vital relationship with Himself. They were to be God’s precious possession; his inheritance and his glory. God’s covenant with them included obedience and protection; relationship and direction. Heartbreak ensued when the people turned away from God’s plan and followed after a faulty scheme of their own choosing.
Likewise, we must remember that God’s plans include each one of his creation. He is calling us individually to follow Him and obey His ways.
Sin had changed the landscape of Israel and Judah’s lives. God’s purpose had become obsolete in the eyes of the people. In the book of Jeremiah, we find repeated references to God’s plan gone wrong. The list of sins against God’s people was a heart problem that overflowed into abject disobedience against God’s commands.
Plans Abandoned
Their refusal to “know” God as stated in Jeremiah 9:3 & 6 resulted in the dismantling of God’s intention. The word know brings with it other defining words such as acknowledge, recognize and comprehend.
When we fail to understand, recognize or comprehend who God is our lives become undermined. The foundational knowledge of God is paramount in following God’s plan for a vital relationship with Himself. A refusal to search the Scriptures to know God brings about heartbreak. That refusal could take the form of laziness, busyness or a self-arrogant knowledge. When we claim to know God, yet have no comprehension of who He really is danger lies ahead.
Israel’s failure to know God brought about rejection of God and His Word and abandonment of God’s instructions. A refusal to listen to God’s voice culminated in an unteachable spirit. Furthermore, from their irreverence for God emerged an arrogant and prideful people who followed their own desires with evil thoughts and deeds.
Deception became prevalent among the people as they refused to stand for truth. Unjust treatment of others as well as worshiping idols became their daily practice.
In their abandonment of God, they discarded their only source of hope and help for salvation. Likewise when we turn from the convicting light of God’s Word, we are forsaking our only source of salvation.
Knowledge, Immunity and Consequences
In this age of vast amounts of information and so called answers for everything we must remember that knowing God trumps all the other knowledge that is showcased in our world today. If we turn away from recognizing the Almighty God it will lead us down a road full of deadly peril. We are not immune to the consequences of wrong choices.
Susceptibility to temptation will always exist on this sin stained earth. On the other hand, careful adherence to the heart of God’s directives in our lives is the safeguard we should establish.
The litany of sins against God’s people was long. God’s heart was breaking as he delivered the judgment against them through Jeremiah. God had repeatedly sent prophets and messages to his people longing for them to turn back whole-heartedly to Himself. But they would not. The people stood condemned on the very steps of God’s house. The sacrifices were being brought, the traditions were upheld, but in their hearts they were far from God.
As Jeremiah saw this people through God’s eyes he wept and lamented over them. His laments were an echo of God’s grief for his people that had gone wrong. The consequences of their sins had come full circle and judgment was meted out. Traditions they upheld and the sacrifices they offered did not bring immunity from sins’ consequences.
Hope Given
Throughout the days of pronouncing judgment, Jeremiah interspersed a hope for the people that would pivot away from sin and search for God with their whole heart.
He strove to reveal the Lord of Hosts to them. Jeremiah reminded the people of the power and presence of God. He endeavored to place before the people the knowledge of the living God and everlasting King. The prophet of God reminded them of the Creator who stretched out the heavens; the One who sends the wind, lightnings and thundering’s still longed to walk and talk with them. This Almighty God who says to the sea, “this far and no farther” wanted to govern his people for their good and his glory. But they would not.
Personal Responsibility is Essential
It is sometimes easy to slap a condemning brush across the people of Judah and Israel. How could they abandon the only true God! Why in the world would they reject the Almighty God?
And yet have we stopped and taken inventory of our own lives? Are we guilty of turning away from a scriptural principle because we do not want to abide by it? Have we become arrogant and proud in our own knowledge? Has our attitude become irreverent towards God? Are there truths of God we refuse to stand up for? Have we allowed deception to overtake us because of ungodly desires that have not been removed?
Too often we look at the church as a collective body from the outside when we see sin creeping into God’s precious possession and stand in judgment against others in order to nullify ourselves of any guilt. On the other hand, we must acknowledge that personal responsibility is key. God’s church is made up of individuals. There must be a distinctive culpability applied without exception to us as individuals.
God calls each of us to a personal and vital relationship with Him. He wants us as his precious possession. God’s plans for us are for our good. Are we going to bring weeping and heartbreak to God by abandoning His ways? Does our refusal to hear and obey bring about anguish in the heart of God?
Purposeful Growth Plans
As I’ve read through the book of Jeremiah over these past weeks, my heart weeps with the prophet. I don’t want to cause grief to the God of the Universe. Drawing up close to God and learning from Him is my goal. I welcome the Spirit’s checks when I veer from the path God has set. Purposeful growth is my plan.
As my understanding of God grows, my trust and confidence broadens even in the day of trouble. He is the Lord of Hosts who manifests unfailing love toward mankind. He is unlimited in power and governs the earth in justice and righteousness. I wait on the Lord God, who is my refuge and strength.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for your faithfulness and unfailing love. Help me to know and understand who You are. Teach me the precepts of your Word and help me to truly learn your ways. May my heart always be ready to hear and obey what You would have me do. Lead me and guide me according to your plan for my life.