She would remember that night always. Her expectations of life had changed that evening. Much of the presumption of her life remained unfulfilled. However, in her unmet expectations she found promises kept.


The whiff of smoke from the dying embers, the feel of the smooth wooden stool beneath her touch and the soft evening light all evoked memories of that long ago day that she often pondered.

When Life Changed

It had started out as an ordinary day. Meals to help prepare, livestock to tend, water to carry. As evening approached she had been working on a garment for her wedding day. Joseph had stopped by on his way home from the market and she could still see his broad smile of love and acceptance in her mind’s eye. The evening light had fallen as she bid him goodbye and settled back on her stool to add a few more stitches to the garment. She had felt blessed of the Lord.

Unexpectedly, though fear had riddled her heart when an angel appeared before her. Above her pounding heart, the angels words, registered.

“Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God.”

Luke 1:30

Mary tried to quiet the racing of her heart and the fear that had overcome her when the angel appeared. In the presence of this heavenly being and the words of comfort in the message her fear began to fade and awe took its place. The God of heaven had taken notice of her and had sent a messenger from Heaven.

A Song of Surrender

With a joyful heart Mary accepted the news that she was to become the mother of the Messiah. As the angel returned to heaven Mary’s heart continued to sing a song of surrender to the God who was bringing to pass the promise of the Deliverer.

When she shared with Joseph about her heavenly visitor, it was with the expectation that he would realize what an honor it was for her to house the very Son of God in her womb. However, it was quite the opposite.

Joseph’s visage of love and acceptance changed to one of disbelief, outrage and betrayal. Questions bombarded her own heart. Sorrow for what would have been seemed to envelop her very soul. It was with a breaking heart she went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth.

Yet, it was here in this small town that God once again moved upon her spirit. He validated the message God had given her. In spite of the sorrow of unmet expectations, Mary chose to dwell on the great mercy of God. Her spirit rejoiced in the greatness and holiness of God. It was with joy she magnified the One who was bringing to pass the promise given at the beginning of time.

After Mary returned to Nazareth there were intervening days that were filled with the hurt of Joseph’s rejection and the ridicule of family and friends. However, she clung to the God of heaven. In the darkness, she grasped the message that was given in the light. In the waiting she embraced hope.

A Promise for the World

God’s faithfulness was seen again when he sent an angel to Joseph to relay the same message that had been given to Mary. Through tears of thankfulness they married and set up housekeeping. It wasn’t the fanfare that would have been, nor was it filled with well wishers of friends and family. On the other hand, they were blessed of God.

The months seemed to pass slowly until one day near the time Mary was to give birth a decree from the Roman government swept their small community. A tax was to be paid in the birth place of the head of the household. Once again Mary’s expectations were unmet. Instead of preparing to give birth in their cozy home, she was traversing interminable miles on the back of donkey to the town of Bethlehem.


It was a stable they acquired for shelter after ten arduous days of travel. Not at all what Mary had expected but she placed her expectations in God’s hands and accepted the course that God had laid out for her. It was an unlikely place to give birth to the Son of God. Yet, God was orchestrating the events.

Heavenly angels brought the message of hope into the dark of the night. It was only a group of shepherds that came by the directive of heaven and welcomed the Christ Child. However, all of heaven rejoiced at this miracle of grace.

Facing Unmet Expectations

If you follow Mary’s story you find that she faced many more unmet expectations. Her life was not what she had planned when she was a young girl. Humanly speaking, it ran amok. We can relate to this aspect of her life. When we are faced with unmet expectations, life can seem to spiral out of control. Especially if we have anchored our identity in these suppositions.

When Mary faced the unexpected she turned to God and worshipped. In the dark of rejection and ridicule she held onto hope. While she waited she worshipped. Within the worship Mary found the sufficiency of God was enough for the turbulence of her days. When we anchor our expectations in Christ and worship our Savior, we, too, can find hope in the dark.

Expectations in God’s Hands

In our times of waiting, when life does not turn out like we had planned and when emotions swirl about us turn to the One who is our hope. Luke records in the first chapter of his gospel, the joyful song that Mary sang. Regardless of the rejection of her betrothed and the ridicule of her family, Mary chose to worship. It was in the loss of her expectations that God brought the fulfillment of the promise. The Savior of the world.

As this first week of Advent winds to a close, I don’t know what you are facing. The events of your life may be inconceivable, but in the dark of waiting hold onto hope. You may be facing health issues or relationship struggles. It may be job loss or rejection by a loved one.

Whatever you are encountering, be assured that God will meet you where you are. He sees you and is come down to bring mercy and help in your time of need. When you are faced with unmet expectations, know that God is still working in your life. His promises have not defaulted. You can rest in hope. God will come through. He always keeps his promises.


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