The situation seemed to take on an eternity of its own. However, it was just a glimpse that changed my outlook. Just a few hours of normalcy that brought hope to the situation that had been hopeless.
When caring for one that has stroke-related cognitive issues as well as aging mental issues the days can become long and hard. Where once had been capability and aptitude inability and frustration reside.
I longed for the days of yore. Days that hold the moments of understanding and health but that is not to be. Life continued on day after day as I worked through daily habits and mental understanding with my loved one. Then out of the blue and without expectation moments of time rolled back and a glimpse of the days of yesteryear appeared. Conversation and laughter. Understanding and recognition. Those moments of clarity came as a gift. I stretched out those moments as long as possible. Refraining from the bedtime routine and reveling in the knowing and being known. Just a glimpse of clarity but it gave me hope for the future.
Vision Brings Clarity
Similarly, when we catch a glimpse of Jesus, we gain hope for the future. Life is changed. There is conversation and laughter. With Jesus there is understanding and recognition. Zacchaeus found this to be true. His life as a tax collector left him full of frustration and emptiness. When he made the decision to climb a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus, it transformed his world. That one look of clarity from Jesus brought about recognition, forgiveness and hope.
When Peter denied Jesus, the bottom fell out of his world. He who had vehemently proclaimed loyalty till death, had slipped into the dark night when the situation got tough. On the other hand, it was just that one look from the loving eyes of Jesus that caused weeping that turned to joy in Peter’s life.
When we catch a glimpse of Jesus, our clouded vision becomes clear. We can grab on to hope. In His presence we find the understanding and recognition we each long for. Our hope is unshakable when placed in the God of the Universe. He comes to bring forgiveness to the fallen and hope to the hurting. Jesus can bring clarity to the muddled places in our lives. As we live close to Jesus, we find that just a glimpse is not enough. We must travel on drawing nearer and nearer to the heart of God. Moses found this to be true.
God’s Glory Revealed
A window into Moses’ life is found in the Pentateuch. God had brought about a miraculous deliverance from Egypt. Praises to God had flowed as the enemy was destroyed. Moses soon found out that a day to day experience with God was what was needed to make the trek through the wilderness.
However, the Israelites didn’t see it that way. Praises to God for his deliverance ceased. The gaze of their heart was now on the desperate circumstances. Moses was feeling the brunt of it all. The rebellion, the disobedience and the devastation. It was in the Tent of Meeting that Moses spoke his heart to God. Moses told God that they couldn’t go on without His continual guiding Presence.
In Moses’ eyes without God, the trek could not happen. Moses needed God in each moment. Moreover, Moses longed to see God and had the audacity to request a time He could gaze on God’s glory. God granted his request. God placed Moses in the cleft of the rock and covered him with His hand. It was just a glimpse of God’s glory that Moses was able to comprehend. But it was enough. Enough to lead him to worship. Sufficient to realize the incomparable compassion and love God had for his people. It was enough for Moses to once again entreat God for forgiveness and His continual presence.
Likewise, we too must come to the realization of our daily need for the presence of God. When God’s glory is revealed, our neediness is abundantly disclosed. With just a glimpse of the glory of God, eternity becomes a reality.
The Import of Eternity
It was only for a moment the flash of lightening lit up the landscape. In that burst of light the landscape was outlined in detail. Then the darkness returned, the rain pounded harder and the thunder roared overhead.
There are moments, like a flash of lightening, that we glimpse eternity in the midst of the storm. Certainly the longer we live, the more we realize the import of eternity.
Saul on the road to Damascus had a lightening bolt experience. When he came face to face with the One who is Eternity, life as he knew it changed. Blind, he was led into the city. Three long days he sat in darkness. It was in that darkness he sought God. Through a prayer of faith Saul’s sight was restored. Saul, now Paul had realized the import of eternity and from that day forward He shared the life changing gospel.
Paul faced imprisonment, beatings, stonings and more. All for the sake of the gospel. He had caught a glimpse of eternity. That peek into the limitless beyond brought a realization of a God who calls people to Himself. Paul found that God provided abundant grace to walk through hardships. These afflictions, according to Paul will work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Our physical bodies may be crumbling, but God brings inward renewal day by day. In 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Paul reminds us of the temporary nature of this world. Moreover we must recognize the reality of the eternal in the things that are not seen.
Preparation and Change for Eternity
The things we face in our world are only temporary. Yes, there will be battles and heartaches but we must remember that they are only preparing us for an eternity to come. God’s presence walks with us here on this earth. He continually strengthens us to continue onward until we reach the eternal land.
“All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story, which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before”
The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
Let your glimpse of eternity change the way you are living. May it bring clarity of heart and a hope that is placed in the Almighty God. When his glory is revealed, we bow in reverence and worship. Incidents such as that remind us that eternity will go on forever. This present world will end. We must prepare now, if we would make it to the eternal city of God.
In this trek, through the wilderness of this world we can be assured of our gracious God walking the way with us. Seek to catch a glimpse of his glory and find a hope for eternity divulged as well. Certainly, eternity will be better than we can ever imagine.