It was months ago that I spaded the ground and slipped the dead-looking tubers into the dark hole. I can still remember my husband’s comment as I planted numerous bulbs. ‘’You’re rather optimistic.” And yes, I was. I expected future tomorrows to be filled with golden sunshine because of my choice on that gray and chilly day. Because I know that today’s decisions form tomorrow’s experience.

Because of my decision, my tomorrows were brightened with beauty. For some reason, they all didn’t grow. I didn’t get the profusion of daffodils I desired. But I revel in the bright yellow, against the backdrop of last year’s decay that have bloomed and announced that the earth is preparing to burst with life again.
Similarly, in our spiritual lives we must look ahead. We must have a vision. There must be a plan. Though it can’t stop there. With the vision comes intentional decisions and choices that make the vision into reality.
The Reality of the Vision
There will be times of darkness, not unlike being shrouded in the dark of the ground. In addition, cold winds may be blow in opposition. At times growth will seem interminably slow. Yet, we must hold steady. The results will come and our vision realized as we keep our eyes on the One who perfects our faith.
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2
Jesus had a vision for our reality. His view for us includes an eternity of intimate relationship with Him. Jesus knew this could not be realized without the cross. It was for the joy of a relationship with us that He endured the shame and agony of the cross.
Jesus has invited us to come and find forgiveness through faith in His sufficiency. This is only the first step in this vision Jesus has for us. As we journey day by day we must learn who Jesus is. There must be an understanding of His adequacy for our lives. Furthermore, we must recognize who we are and our inadequacy apart from Jesus.
Decisions and Spiritual Maturity

Our part is to implement the decisions and choices needed for growth and maturity to happen. In other words we must prepare the soil of the our hearts to make it possible for the Holy Spirit to work in us. Furthermore, we walk daily by faith knowing that Jesus remains faithful to empower us to be formed into His image.
Just like spring unfurls slowly and blooms come after the green shoots and buds, so it is with our soul. At the point of forgiveness we do not gain complete Christian maturity. Instead, it is a development, a process that we are included in.
For flowers to bloom, the seeds must be planted, the soil maintained and the ground fertilized. God has done the planting of His nature in our hearts. However, it is through the decisions and choices that we make that the soil of our hearts and minds are conditioned for mature growth.
Today’s decisions form tomorrow’s experience.
For instance, we fertilize our heart and mind by reading and meditating on God’s Word. Maintenance of our soul soil happens as we take captive our thoughts in obedience to Christ and implement God’s principles for living. Moreover, as godly habits and rhythms are put into place God’s image is reflected more clearly in our lives.
Questions that Need Answered
Intentionally seek God’s vision for your life. Journey toward a deeper relationship with Jesus.
- What is it that He wants you to do?
- How does Jesus want you to act and react?
- Are there attitudes that need removed from the soil of your heart?
- Have you imbibed misconceptions of God that dictate your actions and thought patterns that are not aligned with Kingdom living?
- Are there habits that need to be removed or some that need implemented?
- Does your life reflect the image of God?
Don’t let inaction stunt your spiritual life. Take time to prayerfully seek God’s vision for your life. Moreover, ask God to help you “exercise yourself unto godliness.” (1 Timothy 4:7b) Today’s decisions form tomorrow’s experience.
Start where you are today. Make those intentional choices for growth. Furthermore, when facing the myriad of temptations that stalk our lives, remember the joy ahead and lean into God for strength to resist. Each godly choice strengthens our spirit and brings us closer to God’s heart, until His image is fully formed in us. Through faith in Jesus’ sufficiency we will find everything needed for life and godliness.
This week study and meditate on 2 Peter 1: 1-10. Intentionally grow in your knowledge of all that God has for you. Watch for the daffodils blooming in your soul as you intentionally keep your soul in tune with God’s Spirit. Ultimately remember, tomorrow’s growth happens because of the decisions we make today.