Chosen. It seemed to be a magical word to the little girl as she timidly advanced onto the schoolyard during recess. If only she would be chosen. The little girl joined the group of eager schoolchildren that had assembled, waiting to be chosen for a team. Kickball was the game of the hour.

The hope of being chosen, slowly turned to an anxious fear, as girl after boy was chosen and soon she was the only one left.
Through a haze of hurt she heard one of the captains speak and then the other.
“You can have her on your team.”
“No, I picked last. She has to be on your team.”
With a motion of the arm and a sigh the captain gestured for the little girl to join them. He didn’t notice the dejected aura surrounding her as she slowly shuffled over to the assembled team.

The little girl wished with all her heart that she had never ventured onto the playground. She wanted to run away from everybody. Away from all these people that really didn’t see her.



We all are born with an innate longing to be seen, to be loved, to be chosen, to belong. Not for what we accomplish or for what we can do. We long to be chosen for who we are.
Circumstances can happen in childhood that pierce our heart.

Consequently, we walk through life feeling that we are not good enough and that we just don’t fit in anywhere. We never measure up and we feel unloved and unwanted.

But God…
God never gives up on us. He can use the circumstances in our life to shape us and mold us into a vessel of beauty. We are His creation. We belong to Him.


We are loved. In spite of our circumstances, He chooses us. Not because of anything we have done, but because He loves us. The real us. We are His treasure. He longs to draw us close and help us to become all that He has planned for us. He chose us when there was no sparkle or beauty about us. When our righteousness were as filthy rags, He still chose us. The Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe stoops down and gathers us into His arms.

Chosen. The word that heals the heart and helps us to realize the worth God places upon us. Before the vast galaxies were created and before the majestic mountains were formed, we were born in the heart of God. He planned for our lives that we might have a beautiful relationship with Himself. Ephesians 1:4 tells us that ” He hath chosen us in Him before the foundations of the world…”

God purposely created us for a relationship with Him. In other words, He decided on you in advance. Each of us are chosen. God will continually pursue us throughout our lives until the truth that we are chosen by Him resonates throughout our soul.


I can remember when this truth was sealed to my heart. It was a long time coming…from the left out little girl in the schoolyard to when God used a period in my life to show me that He chose me.

I was chosen by a handsome young man to be his bride, yet still that ringing truth was not fully alive in my heart. We started our ministry for God. Babies came and blessed our home. Victories and highlights were celebrated. Disappointments and disillusionment were faced. Through it all God was faithful. Wooing me. Drawing me ever closer in spite of the questions and doubts of my “enoughness.”

Healing from deep hurts came for me when my husband and I were chosen by a church to be their ministry team. My husband had filled in many times at this particular church throughout their search for a pastor. I had only been able to go with him a handful of times. They didn’t know me. The people didn’t know I couldn’t sing or play the piano. I wasn’t a typical pastor’s wife. Yet they chose us. They chose me.

selected chosen

As our ministry began there, the people opened their hearts with love and acceptance, in spite of the “pastorly-wife” duties I couldn’t do. I was loved for who I was. Not for what I could do. Though we have moved on from this place of ministry, these dear people still hold a special place in my heart. They chose me, loved me and accepted me for who I was.

God used that church family to show me fully that I was chosen by God. The truth resonates throughout my heart and soul. I celebrate the truth that God chose me!


When we are faced with circumstances that make us feel unloved, unwanted and left out, we must remind ourselves of what we know. The truth is that God simply chose you. Not for what you can do or the accomplishments you have obtained, but He chose you because He loves you.

There will be times when life will want to push you away from God’s truths, but continually remind yourself of what you know. God has not forgotten you. He remains faithful. He rejoices over you and will not rest until you become complete in Him. Until you too, can celebrate the truth that God chooses you!

Categories: Chosen


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