She sat surrounded by darkness. The despondency of others had robbed the fragile peace that had filled her life just hours before.
The clouds of depression seemed to surround and constrict. Consequently, obscuring the vision of an Almighty God. She felt boxed into a small room of darkness, with not a ray of light filtering in. The cold waters of discouragement threatened to pull this child of God under.
Hear her cry of distress to her God for a ray of light, deliverance. Something to lift her troubled heart.
Darkness as Light
Her God heard and was moved to action. He rose from His throne in the heavens to assist His child. The darkness He put under His feet. With the wings of the wind He flew to Her aid. The darkness surrounding His child was as light to Him.
Before long His brightness shot through the darkness. It came as a gleam of hope, bright and untarnished to the heart of His child. With His arrows He scattered the clouds of despair and sorrow. Then tenderly He reached down and drew her out and away from the waters of discouragement, that were many.
Delight as deliverance
These clouds of darkness and despair had been too strong for her, but to her God they were as nothing. Due to His great love for her, He came and delivered His child. Because of His delight in her, He rescued. As a result, she soon found herself clear of the darkness and once again felt the hug of the Almighty God, as His strength was imparted to her.
The small room broadened. Light streamed in from every angle. Listen, as this child of God praises her deliverer.
“I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my Rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” Psalm 18:2