Have you ever had good intentions that derailed? Or had a purpose defragment? There are times when our plans fail. Such as those times we intend to implement healthy eating habits, but our plan is thwarted. Or maybe your goal was to exercise but it only resulted in a reminder that “it has been 9 days since you last exercised.”
Each one of us have faced various forms of thwarted plans and obstructed purposes. In these instances we are inundated with feelings of failure and defeat and wonder if it is futile to begin again. However, God does not want us to live with a failed focus or fruitless endeavors. His plans for us far exceed our thoughts. In fact, his purpose for us is for our good. He works in us with intention. Moreover, his aim will never be thwarted nor will his purpose become less than.
A Purpose with Intention
Some time back I was in a service and the text was taken from Hebrews 13:5 & 6. Though not the crux of the message these words stood out to me.
“He hath said….so that we may boldly say…”
Hebrews 13:5 & 6
God had spoke with an intentional purpose. He had something in mind to achieve. Moreover, there was a resulting action that was to happen. God does not act or speak without aim. His focus is honed, though it encompasses a vastness that we cannot fathom.
We see the intentional purpose of God in that much-loved verse of John 3:16. “God so loved…that he gave…that whosever believeth should not perish.” God’s intent goes further. His goal is eternal life for each of us who believe.
Over and over again we see Jesus declaring what he was doing and why. His paramount reason was to glorify the Father. As he came and glorified the Father, he provided abundant life for us (John 10:10). Furthermore, Jesus provided an example, so that we could do the same. i.e. ‘I do this…so that you can do the same.’(John 13:14).
God’s intent was and still is to draw us back to his heart and restore us to his image. He does not just save us and leave us, but he walks with us leading, guiding and growing us into his image. Our journey to heaven is not made alone. The very God of heaven has come down to be with us.
An Intentional Promise
The Hebrew writer was in actual fact, reminding us what God had spoken to Joshua as he prepared to conquer Canaan. Joshua felt fear and trepidation in spite of being surrendered to God. In Moses’ farewell speech Moses encourages Joshua with words from God to take courage and remember that the Lord his God would go with him. (Deuteronomy 31:6 & 8) Then again we see God Himself speaking to Joshua in that well-known verse found in Joshua 1:9.
God’s purpose in speaking these words was not just for us to have a beautiful version hand-calligraphed hanging on the wall just so. However, God spoke intentionally with promise to remind us that we can live confidently in this world in spite of the chaos that surrounds us. These are words that can find lodging deep within us because he is speaking them to us through the Word of God.
“..he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”
Hebrews 13:5 & 6
A Purpose Unthwarted
What a comfort it is when we know that God Almighty is walking this sin-cursed world with us. His love and “withness” is not measured in our ability or lack of the same. Instead it is the unfailing love of God that is offered through his Spirit walking the hard with us. We will never come to a mountain so big that God will not be there, nor a problem so vast that his Presence will not encompass us. When faced with insurmountable odds we go forward because we know that the Lord is our helper.
The result God wants to achieve with these vital words is that we can boldly face the hardships of life. God’s promised Presence brings to us a courage not of this world. It is with confidence that we can step forward into the unknown because God is with us.
Our good intentions, humanly speaking, may become derailed, but we can trust the journey of our heart to the One who knows us best. God’s plan and purpose for our lives will never be thwarted as we surrender the controls of our heart and life to him. His purpose for us is for our good. Take courage and keep in step with the footsteps of God as He orders your life.