As I followed the footsteps of Jeremiah I was struck again with the reason he is often referred to as the ‘Weeping Prophet.’ It was with a breaking heart that Jeremiah shared God’s message with the people of Judah who refused to listen. Though judgment and destruction are in the forefront of Jeremiah’s ministry, there is a path that leads to restoration and hope.
In my mind’s eye, I see Jeremiah as he trudges through the dusty streets of Jerusalem. A man with a grieving heart, whose face was streaked with tears of sorrow for his people. Jeremiah’s grief is a picture of God’s heart. A heart that grieves for his people. God’s people have turned their back on him. Furthermore, they refuse to listen to God’s words as he beckons them with grace and justice. God’s heart still grieves when his people today refuse to listen as he urges us to draw near and trust his heart.
Destruction is Not the End
At first glance along this trail of tears only heartbreak is seen as judgment is proclaimed for the people of God’s heart. Destruction and exile. Famine and heartache. On the other hand, the further I traveled with Jeremiah I recognized that destruction and exile are not the end. Heartbreak and sorrow does not mean it is over.
While God’s people were exiled in the land of Babylon, Jeremiah was instructed to send a missive of hope to the people. It was a message that was sent into the midst of servitude and exile. A hope that reached into the darkness and gloom of a strange land.
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'”
Jeremiah 29:11
Hope is Offered
God knows where you are right now and he knows where you will be in the future. Things may look hopeless, but with God there is always more than what the eye can see. His sovereign vision spans the ages.
Furthermore, he doesn’t just skim over your situation with a casual glance, but he personally invests himself in your life. He doesn’t dump you on an untrained employee, nor does he abandon you to make it on your own. He brings a hope that pushes back the darkness and envelops you in his unfailing love.
From Destruction to Restoration
You can hold on to hope when life has you exiled. Because with God, there will always be deliverance. When sorrow edges your heart, hold on to hope. Joy will come. When destruction has toppled your dreams, draw near to the heart of God. For with God there is always a path to restoration and hope.
Embrace the message of hope that God extends to you. In the darkness hold on to his steadfast love. His plan for you will not be thwarted, though it be long in coming. Your future can be trusted to the Sovereign God.
As you continue on through the chapters of Jeremiah you will hear God saying, “I will restore and I will rebuild.” God’s faithful love for you and me is displayed over and over again through the promised restoration of Judah.
The same God that was faithful to bring restoration and hope to his people is able and willing to do that for you. He will bring you home to his heart, just as he brought his people back to Jerusalem.
It is with certainty that God works out his purpose for your life. He has a plan full of hope for you. Give it all to Jesus. The broken and shattered, as well as what is good and right in your life.
Trust that God’s “got this.” He knows what he is doing. When your life seems forfeit and all is dark, trust the Sovereign LORD. He has a good plan for your life. In the midst of your weeping, trust the heart of God and know that he has a hope and future for you. His promises are true.