It was a wrought iron gate located at the back of St. Bartholomew’s Cathedral in Plzen, Czech Republic that caught my attention. At the gate was a waiting line of people. I watched as one by one they would approach and touch the gate and then continue on to their destination.

Individual golden angels ran the width of the gate, decorating each spire of the barrier. On one of these spires, the angel was featureless. In fact, it had become worn from the grasp of countless people as they paused to take hold of that particular spire and make a wish.
Though the Czech people are largely acclaimed atheists they hold on to this tradition. It has become a ritual that they hope will bring good fortune into their lives. Locals make it a daily habit to pass by the gate located on the center square and grasp this indistinctive angel. They pause and make a wish hoping that it will be granted or good luck will come.
Ambiguity or Solidarity
As I began to understand what was happening at the gate of St. Bartholomew’s Cathedral, I couldn’t help but contrast this ambiguous custom to the solidarity that we find as we approach the throne of our gracious God.
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need,”
Hebrews 4:16
The Czech people are not timid in their belief that a wish will be granted if they come to the gate enough times. On the other hand, we who know the God of Heaven, at times, approach the throne of God with timidity.
We sometimes feel that this invitation to come boldly seeking grace and help could hardly mean us. And if it truly did, our doubts that we will receive the help we need bar us from boldly coming. If this be the case, something must change.
Change your Approach
When our vision of who God is and how much He loves us becomes clouded we face the danger of letting God just become a ritualistic endeavor. Unless we choose to grow daily in our relationship with God, our life with God shifts to a habitual stopover as we pass on to a self-chosen destination.
God invites us to daily communion with Him. His words of invitation to come boldly are solid and sure. In life’s hardships, God says come. When faced with weakness, fearlessly seek His strength. In the daily irritations of life, choose to come daringly to the throne of grace. God delights in the one that comes to Him empty, yet with a confidence that His fullness is for them.
As we recognize that all of God’s promises are true and not just nebulous statements, our approach to His throne will be revolutionized. We must start with a confession of sin and find forgiveness through faith. Furthermore, an understanding that salvation is a gift of God’s grace is paramount. Nothing we can do can earn salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Afterwards, we must walk on in this relationship with God, by faith. (Colossians 2:6)

As we mature in our life-connection with God, we will see the kaleidescope of God’s love portrayed in how He works for good in our lives, no matter the situation. We can come to God with confidence, knowing that He will continue to form us into the image of His Son. (Philippians 1:6); (2 Corinthians 3:18)
God will not let you slip through the cracks of life and spiral to destruction. Keep walking by faith and approach His throne with a fearlessness that defies the reality of your circumstances. For it is our great God, who is the Reality far beyond our limited vision.
Purposeful Maturity
Keep from letting God just become a featureless ritual in your life. Choose to cultivate your relationship with God.
- Delve into the Word of God.
- Ask God to open your eyes to what He wants you to discover.
- Deepen your understanding of who God is.
- Accept God’s invitation to come boldly with your needs, your weaknesses and your concerns.
- Expect God to provide as He promised. He offers the grace and help you need in the daily grind of life.
- Share how God has abundantly provided.
- Invite others to accept God’s loving invitation.