Stories and names are threaded through the Biblical text. Narratives that tell of lives lived, choices made, knowledge gained, and trust given. Throughout the journeys of these individuals the main theme conveyed is that God beckons each one to know Him.
In fact, to know Him is what God is still wanting for each of us today. It is in the knowing that trusting will come. God had shown different facets of Himself to individuals and people groups collectively. His purpose is for each of us to know Him and ultimately trust Him.
When our hearts seek God we are answering the call to know God. As our knowledge of God deepens and broadens we will undoubtedly be put in a position where we will need to make a choice. A choice to trust the God we have come to know. This type of trust will take us beyond what we can see.
Be assured, when we place our trust in God He does not take it lightly. Moreover, God will show Himself strong on our behalf. It doesn’t matter where we come from, our backstory or our genealogy. Trust in God results in victory.
A Story of Change
Hezekiah grew up in the palace. Evil reigned, the temple of the Lord was shut, and idol worship became the religion of the day. Moreover, King Ahaz, sacrificed his son, Hezekiah’s brother to a pagan idol.
All this Hezekiah took in from a young child. He lived in an evil and idolatrous culture. But the beginning of our story does not have to define the ending.
When Hezekiah came to the throne at the age of 25, he made a decision that changed the course of his life. It was in the very first month of his reign that Hezekiah chose to declare his allegiance to God Almighty.
Hezekiah knew of the abandonment of God that had happened while his father was king. He perceived the darkness that filled the temple when God was outlawed, and the lamp of God was snuffed out. More importantly Hezekiah recognized the darkness that filled the hearts of the people in the city of Jerusalem.
Change began. Priests were instructed to cleanse themselves. The doors of the temple were flung open. Furthermore, pagan shrines were removed and sacred pillars were smashed. Additionally, the bronze serpent that Moses had made at the command of God, was removed and broken up.
A Path Forward for Spiritual Renewal
Sometimes sanctioned things must be removed if we are to move forward in our walk with God. The bronze serpent had been put in place to remind the people that sin had consequences. Instead, the twisted thinking of that day had turned it into a thing to be worshipped and idolized.
Are there things in your life that need to be relinquished? Have you prioritized legitimate things above God? Has outward conformity become more important than inward obedience? If so, change needs to happen before spiritual renewal can proceed.
A new day had dawned for Jerusalem and its people. Hezekiah called the people to know God. A knowledge that would culminate in a settled trust of God.
Celebrating Change
As change happened within the city, upheaval happened without the walls. Assyria had invaded the land of Judah. Assyria conquered city after city with their massive army and relentless ways.
However, Hezekiah chose to trust in the Lord. He sent a missive to the people of Israel inviting them to come and celebrate the Passover with them. The king urged the people to turn away from the gods their fathers had worshipped and return to the LORD God. The letter highlighted the grace and mercy of God to those who would return to Him with their whole heart.
Most people just laughed at the couriers that delivered the missive. Yet there were some that chose to return to Jerusalem and there they found that God heard their hearts cry.
The people came. Passover was celebrated. Great rejoicing reverberated throughout the city. Hezekiah sought God wholeheartedly. He remained faithful and carefully obeyed all that God commanded. His love for God was on display for all to see.
The people responded. No longer was the city filled with pagan shrines and evil practices. The psalms of David were sung. The law of Moses was obeyed, and God’s hand was upon the people for good.
Sometimes when we do it all right and we faithfully seek God there is a niggling thought that all problems will be removed. But that is not the case.
All problems did not disappear for Hezekiah, nor will it be so with us. However, when our heart is seeking God wholeheartedly, we have the assurance that God will be with us.
When Opposition Comes
It was after Hezekiah’s faithful obedience and leading the people to spiritual renewal that King Sennacherib of Assyria placed his sights on Jerusalem for his next conquest.
What will you do after you have faithfully obeyed and an unexpected enemy faces off with you? Will you crumble in defeat or will you face the opposition with a steadfast trust in your God?
As King Hezekiah faced this new challenge, he chose to do what he could to prepare for the dreaded invasion, but most importantly Hezekiah chose to keep his trust anchored in the God that he knew would come through for them.
The Assyrian king sent officers to Jerusalem to declare their intent to conquer the city. Within the message was inscribed defiance against Hezekiah and his God.
Fear rippled through the city as the Assyrian officer bellowed out his challenge. But Hezekiah gathered the people together and encouraged them. He reminded them of the true God who was greater than any multitude.
“Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him. For there be more with us than with him: with him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.” 2 Chronicles 32:7
A Tenacious Trust
It makes a difference when we know God. For when we know God we trust God. Our trust must be ongoing. When our problems linger, our trust is resolute.
This situation with the Assyrian army and Jerusalem did not just happen for a day and then it was over. It was an ongoing rampage from Assyria against the country of Judah. In fact, the Assyrian’s plan was to end it all with Jerusalem’s defeat.
The people of Jerusalem had to trust in the God that they knew. Days, months and possibly years went by with Jerusalem caught in the crosshairs of the Assyrian army. However, it was in the daily choice to trust that changed the course of history.
In response to their tenacious trust, God stepped in. As He always will. It was in His time and His way. God showed up. An angel was dispatched from heaven to kill captains and leaders in the camp of the king of Assyria. (2 Chronicles 32:21) And the king of Assyria skulked away in defeat.
If you feel you are caught in the crosshairs of the enemy, keep spreading out your problems to God, as Hezekiah did. Then with dogged determination choose to trust despite the multitude that is before you.
Your tenacious trust will be rewarded. You can rest in the God you know. He will show up for you.
Hezekiah’s complete story is found in 2 Kings 18 -20 and 2 Chronicles 29-32