God sees beyond our human flaws to the commitment of our heart. On the other hand, we all are faced with human foibles. Our humanity could include lack of perception, superstition, impetuosity, doubt and fearfulness to name a few. Consequently, there is always room for growth in our life.
To make it clear, humanity is defined as the quality or condition of being human; human nature. When Jesus chose his disciples, they were men that contended with some of the same flaws of humanity that we face today. He saw the men they would become as they surrendered their lives to Him. With love and compassion, Jesus drew them out of themselves, until they understood what it was that needed changing and what misconceptions required modifying.

Humanity and the Disciples
One of the first examples, that come to mind is the superstitions that they had internalized. When the disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee and a storm blew up, they were filled with great trepidation of mind when they saw what they thought was a ghost. Jesus, reassured them with “Be of good cheer. It is I. Be not afraid.”
Fearfulness is another trait that we as humans are prone to showcase. This, along with his impetuous personality, caused Peter to answer, “Lord, If it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.” When the affirmative answer came whirling across the stormy waves, Peter, pushed away the fear that had only moments ago threatened to engulf him and stepped out of the boat. With a steadiness that belied the tossing waves, Peter started his trek across the water, with his eyes on Jesus.

Peter had not gone far, when fear again tightened its hold on him. The wind and the waves that were billowing high became the center of his attention. With his eyes off of Jesus, Peter began to sink.
Yet it was only three words ensconced within his gripping fear that changed the precarious situation that Peter found himself in.
“Lord, save me.”
Matthew 14:30
Immediately. Instantly. At once. All are words that indicate the present.
The instant Peter cried out Jesus was there. With an outstretched hand and unfailing strength Jesus caught Peter’s sinking form. Then together they walked back to the boat and entered the ship.
When Jesus Shows Up
Did you catch that? In the storm and waves that seek to take us under, Jesus shows up. We just need to come to the realization that it is only Jesus that can lead us safely through the storms of life. Neither our own strength nor our mental abilities to solve problems will be enough to pilot our ship through life’s storms. We must recognize that our human nature is flawed and we have need of God’s help.
The storm did not cease when Jesus reached for Peter. In fact the Scriptures lead us to believe that the storm did not cease until after they had entered the ship.
As we travel through this life, we will face numerous storms that threaten to take us under. On the other hand, Jesus has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He is there to hold us up, catch us when we fall and lead us safely into the port of heaven. We must continually keep our eyes on Jesus, instead of the surging storms that surround us.
Jesus did not berate them for their superstition, nor judge them for their lack of faith. It was with tender compassion that Jesus answered, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” Though he questioned their doubt, Jesus led them to the truth.
Forward Faith
Life has a way of obscuring our perception of God. Insurmountable situations tend to make us shift our gaze onto our circumstances. It is then the fear grows and we begin to sink into the slough of despond.
Though your faith waver, you have only to reach up and whisper, “Lord, save me.” Immediately, Jesus will surround you with arms of care, even when the storm in your life rages on.
In faith, we must cling to Him in the midst of our heartache. As we walk forward through the storm, God will gently bring growth and change to the depths of our soul. This change happens as we seek to center our life in Him and his Word.

These moments in the life of Peter show us how to bring balance to the humanity that is so much a part of us. Peter’s commitment of heart was all in. But He still had learning and knowledge to obtain from the Master. The course of action Peter took that stormy night on the Sea of Galilee helped him to take another step forward in the growth of his soul-life.
Growth for the Soul
We can apply the lessons from this story line of Peter’s to our own lives. Our commitment is earnest. Yet growth in our soul is on going as God with infinite patience works with us as we walk through our own personal landmines of human nature.
- Acknowledge the problem. Peter and the disciples faced the storm with a superstitious outlook that they admitted. It was through this fearful acknowledgment that started them down the road toward change. The first step toward soul growth comes when we admit there is problem. We need to recognize and own our flaws.
- Seek an understanding heart. Peter could not make sense of the situation. Superstitious fear gripped his heart. Yet he heard the voice of the Master. Consequently he sought verification of the Lord’s Presence. When puzzled by your circumstances, seek God’s wisdom.
- Listen for God’s Voice. Even in the middle of the tumultuous storm Peter heard God’s voice. We may not always hear His voice, but when we tune our hearts toward Him we will hear the whispers of his Spirit.
- Seize the opportunity for growth. When bidden to come, Peter seized the opportunity. He didn’t stop to question or debate. What opportunity has God placed in front of you, that He wants you to seize?
- Walk forward with confidence. At the command of Jesus, Peter climbed out of the boat and walked with confidence toward his Master. It was out of his comfort zone, so to speak. Yet Jesus had called. Consequently, with trust in the Son of God, Peter walked on water. When God calls for advancement in our lives, we can move forward with confidence even if it is out of our comfort zone.
- Call out to God. When the waves crash around us and we find ourselves sinking, call out to God. You will find, as Peter did, that Jesus is by your side. Just that desperate cry, “Lord, save me!” was all that was needed. Jesus hears our desperate cries. He knows the burdens we bear and He enfolds us in His arms.
- Worship in truth. The disciples heard and watched as this incident unfolded. Through this situation they grasped the truth of who Jesus was and they worshiped. We, too, must know the truth of who Jesus is and when we do we are compelled to worship.
Humanity and God’s Enabling Grace
This was not the only time that the disciples faced the human foibles of superstition and fear as well as other human limitations. Yet in every instance, Jesus tenderly leads them down the road of understanding and growth. We, too can advance down the road of discernment as we grapple with what it means to live with humanity alongside of God’s enabling grace in this fallen world.
To sum it up, our humanity can be a vehicle for soul growth when we recognize that surrender to God is key. First, we must own our human foibles. Then realize that God delights in giving wisdom to those who seek Him. Furthermore, growth will come as we seize the opportunities God brings into our life. It is with confidence we can walk forward. As we call out to God and find Him near, we are are compelled to worship our Savior.