Fear comes in all shapes and size. The thought of failure brings fear. When facing things unknown, fear raises its ugly head. Change brings another type of fear, and then there is the fear of retribution as well as numerous other fears that we could list. We have all felt the grip of fear at one time or the other. Yet if we do not take the steps to manage it, life will become unmanageable as fear takes over.
God wants to help us deal with our fear. His timetable is not always ours. In fact, in the case of Moses, it was 40 years of dry, desert living before God knew Moses was ready for the next step of growth.
Moses became aware of danger to his life and fled to the desert. There in the barren loneliness he fought the emotions of fear that weighed down his spirit.

He stayed in the desert for 40 years. He married and became a nomadic shepherd. Moses learned to push his fears into the background of his life and face the dangers of the desert with strength.
However, God brought Him face to face again with the emotional fears that stayed on the ragged edges of his soul. At the burning bush, God called Moses to come out of seclusion and face the fear of the unknown, in addition to the anxiety of sure failure and the angst of change.
When fears come to visit we must give them to God.
God was there every step of the way to encourage, direct and gently lead his child. Here at the burning bush, Moses found that He could transfer his fears to God and God would help him deal with the situation. He had to give them to God again and again.
If we must tell our fears to God every 5 seconds, than do that. When the grip of fear loosens and then returns, call out to God again, and then again. As we walk through the landmines of fear we must again and again turn them over to Almighty God.
When God allayed Moses’ fears, the next step towards turning his fear into faith was to take a step of obedience.
When God told him to throw down his rod, he obeyed. This desert man picked up the rod turned serpent when God told him to. Even though for a moment he fled from the writhing serpent.
In our lives, we must continually take the next step. We must do what we know to do. Obedience builds a trust that leads us on toward victory.
The trek to Egypt was taken. In obedience to God’s directives He went before Pharaoh. It didn’t turn out how he had expected. In reality, Moses got blamed by the Israelite’s for the increased harm done to them. What?? Moses obeyed God. Why would that happen?
When we obey God, it doesn’t always turn out like we expect. However the circumstances are never out of God’s control. Although things happen and we don’t understand the process that must play out in our lives, the next step in turning fear into faith is to trust that God is who He says He is. God wants our complete trust and a belief in Him that His way is best even when our senses are screaming against it.
Although fear reached out to grasp at Moses again in these circumstances, he transferred his fears to God again and then took the next step in obedience. In addition to trusting that God was who He said He was.

His fears did not just melt away overnight. Moses had to be pro-active and decisive. We, too must bring our anxieties to God. Daily, hourly, moment by moment if need be. Roll our cares onto Him. In addition, we must step out in obedience, knowing that God has a plan to help us know Him better.
As God’s plan advanced, the plagues took their toll on Egypt. The people began to see that God was Yahweh. He was enough. Yahweh was enough for their needs. He was there to advance His plan. God led them out of Egypt with a strong hand.
As the children of Israel marched out of Egypt, Moses continued to remind them of who God was. When they reached the Red Sea and their strength was not enough to deliver them from the danger, Moses reminded them that God was enough. During the moments when fear overwhelmed them, the words Moses spoke was, “Be not afraid…” He knew that their fear could be turned to faith as they called out to their God.
As God’s power worked on their behalf and the waters parted, the heart of Moses filled with awe. The children of Israel were delivered from Pharaoh and his army. God made a way. The tossing waves crashed down around the army and praise flowed from the lips of Moses. He exalted God for His power. God had triumphed over the enemy and Moses was quick to sing His praise and tell of God’s wondrous works.
In conclusion, remember when you are battling with the numerous fears that seem to plague us as humans, take your fears to God. To clarify, tell your fears to God again and again. After that, step out in obedience and do what you know you need to do. Trust that He is God. Along the way, you can teach others the lessons that God is teaching you. Above all, testify of God’s wondrous works.