As we prepared to take to the mountain trail, we each had a backpack filled with what we thought was needful for the trip. Water, food, fishing poles, toilet paper, journal and more. My daughter shifted her pack and mentioned the weight of her pack.

“Come over here and let’s see how we can lighten your load” the words of my son to my daughter reached my ears as I looked upward to the trail we would be traversing.

The morning was cool, the air was fragrant with the smell of pines and the blue sky was perfection. An ideal Colorado day for a hike. We stepped with purpose across the small bridge as we began to climb upward. Our destination was Ptarmigan Lake.

On the trail to Ptarmigan Lake

We Choose the Weight we Carry

Throughout my ascent my mind kept reverting to those words spoke by my son, “…let’s see how we can lighten your load”. We each chose what we placed in our backpack. What was important to one was less important to another. The weight we carried was of our own choosing. On the other hand, too much weight would become a hindrance instead of a help. In that case, removal of some weight would be best.

The Greek word for weight expresses the meaning with the words burden, encumbrance, hindrance or a weight that is oppressive. A load that is too heavy.

Similarly, in our spiritual lives we carry weight of our own choosing. Have we chosen to carry things too hard to bear? How many times do we stumble under the weight of the burden that we carry? Burdens that are not meant for us? A weight that God wants to lighten for us? Are there burdens that are hindering our walk with God that we need to lay aside? Have we chose to burden ourselves with a weight that is oppressive and too heavy?

I reflected on these questions as I picked my way through the boulder field toward the trail that led always upward. I realized that more often than not we shoulder a weight or burden that is not meant for us. How is the weight in your spiritual backpack? Is it bulging with non-essentials for your journey? Will the weight become a hindrance?

The silence of the mountain brought about clarity of mind as I tramped onward. I knew there were weights in my own life I needed to rid from my soul. The words whispered in my heart

“..lay aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset….”

Hebrews 12:1

What Weight Are You Carrying?


There are weights that may encumber one person more than another due to personality differences and varied upbringings. Nevertheless, we each must sit in the silence as God speaks and reveals what it is we need to let go. It may take time to rid ourselves of the needless emotional weight we carry from heartaches past. Yet, Jesus has time. He has time for us in this world that seems to always be screaming for more time.

Many of us have experienced childhood wounding that have caused us to pick up the weight of emotional habits that encumber the freedom God wants us to live in. Moreover, the weight of our own expectations can become a crushing load. Furthermore, there is the burden of blame that belongs to another that we take upon ourselves that cause us to stumble. Clinging to resentment and bitterness from past heartache will bring an oppressive load that will hinder our path upward.

Realization and Release Bring Rest

It is only when we realize the excessive weight of the burden we are carrying that we can let it go. We may be trudging up the hill bowed beneath the weight of various encumbrances with nary a sign of relief. Yet in the stillness we can hear the whisper of Jesus,

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

As we come, Jesus gives us the rest that our souls so desperately long for. When we still and learn from Jesus how to let go, how to move forward and what to lay aside and what to carry we will find our load lightened. It takes time. Just remember that Jesus has time for you.

Possible Danger Ahead!

Jesus gives us a warning about becoming burdened down with the wrong things in this life. His caution is needed as much now as it was when he first spoke those words. We must be paying attention to what we carry with regards to our heart, mind and soul.

” And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life and so that day come upon you unawares.”

Luke 21:34

How many times have I skimmed over this verse as I met the word drunkenness thinking it couldn’t possibly apply to me? Yet the implication of self-indulgent pleasures is there. Those things that dull my spiritual appetite become a hindrance and a weight that will ultimately catch me in a snare that can lead to spiritual death.

The word overcharged means weight or burden. There are things in this life that can become an oppressive load that will not allow us to reach our destination. We must be aware of the danger we face.

Furthermore, Jesus also shares with us the caution about the cares of this life. He wants us to be on guard. Beware of the problem of worry and anxiety. Throughout this past traumatic year worry and anxiety have soared to new heights. Yet, Jesus Himself reminds us that these can become a detrimental weight upon the soul.

How is your trust meter? Can God be trusted with the cares of this life? Can you roll your burdens upon him and find rest for your soul? Is there too much weight in your spiritual backpack? Has the weight become so oppressive that you can’t take the next step forward?

Pause in the stillness and be reminded that it is in the trusting we find perfect peace. Do a word study on trust. What is it? What are the results that can be expected when we trust? In whom do we place our trust? Here are a few scriptures to get you started.

  • Isaiah 26:3
  • Jeremiah 17:7
  • Psalms 34:8

The Weight of Trust

Ptarmigan Lake

As I topped the last rise and the lake spread out before me the beauty called to me. Here I could rest and remove the weight of my pack. The climb had been worth it. I felt relief as I slid my burden off. I reveled in the sunshine, the exquisite mountain peaks and the sparkling water as I rested high up in the mountains.

What burdens do you need to relinquish? God is sufficient to meet your every need. Let go of the weight of worry, the heartache and the fears. Whatever is hindering you from confidently walking forward with God is a weight that you do not need. Lay it aside. Learn from Jesus what burden He wants you to carry as he helps to shoulder your load.

As you peruse the various weights that could make up your spiritual pack reach for the one that is marked trust and relinquish the others that hinder your progress. The weight of trust may look unwieldy and hard to handle. Yet as you place it on your shoulders and shift it into place you will find that it is the perfect weight for you as you traverse the trials of this life. Your steps will become lighter and your heart will be at rest because you are trusting in the One who will never fail. Take a moment and listen to this song by the Collingsworth family. Be reminded that you too, can trust Jesus.


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